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Why should you join Amazon seller events?


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If you are an Amazon seller and missed the European Seller Conference 2020 organized by Orange Klik in Prague, we can almost understand you. The mixed feeling of remaining there for the awesome socializing and knowledge sharing was disturbed by the effects of the coronavirus situation. It forced us to find flying-out solutions while airports were closing all over Europe, Asia, and the United States of America. Hopefully, everyone is back home and safe by now.

Looking at the bright side of things, the event was awesome. It gave all the participants the chance to socialize with peers and change opinions about the latest changes and details from the Amazon selling industry.

As half of the people that registered for the event decided to remain at home and get the live streaming of the event, we had much more time to socialize and reach out to each other. It’s the perfect place and time to share and get ideas that begin with a simple chat and that can take this brainstorming experience to ideas that make a big impact in your business.

The people that you have around you had at some point the same strategies that we usually learn in courses, but with time and experience, each one develops personal strategies that are based usually on one’s background. By coming to events and getting the chance to talk and change opinions with other sellers you get to improve all your strategies while you share and receive information.

This also gets you pumped up and full of energy that you can direct toward the goals of your business and give it a good boost. Any business will rarely surpass your status or knowledge so going above what you knew before any event like this was, will give you the possibility to take the business to a new and improved level.

From our agency, we had Marcel Marculescu on stage presenting the advantages of using micro-influencers from social media that can accelerate not only brand awareness but also position your products among the best sellers in almost any niche. It’s a strategy that we have used on our brands since 2018. Based on our customers’ needs, we’ve automated the process and developed our secondary services related to product testers. These product testers are found using specific ads that focus on your exact product’s audience and are used to buy, rank, and even review your products.

Coming back to the event, if we’d have to talk about our favorite topics that were presented on stage, we really don’t know what to begin with, but some of the best ideas that we took, are that you need to get all your products visible – able to be found, desirable – this is during the sale – if somebody would be looking for your product, why would they choose your product? And impactful – based on the impact that your purchased product gives the client, how impressed is he to open up the package and start using your product? This was a great presentation by Seth Kniep. He gave us all the steps that we need to follow in order to get to this perfect product presentation.

We’ve also seen the sellercentral platform and the whole marketplace through the eyes of an ant nest where each individual has his own role and tasks. The clear vision presented by Chris Rowlings made us have more faith in the efforts that Amazon puts in for us to benefit from a piece of the pie.

Going back to Seth Kniep, we’ve been reminded why we should not only find suitable products to sell on Amazon but find solutions and fix a problem no one else is fixing in the whole market. His example was brilliant. You may take a toothbrush, study it and come up with a better version, but this is a level 1 improvement. Level 2 would be the fact that you come up with the electric version, while the best option at level 3 would be to (re)invent dental floss. Based on the effort that you took to differentiate, you also have another price range and a larger margin to benefit from.

The “7-Figure Sellers Expert Panel – Ask Them Anything” panel discussion allowed the audience to learn any aspect that Etienne Ameil and Joshua Asquith and Simas Želvys were more than open to share with us. Their experience showed us how important it is to socialize and participate in events like this. It’s a great way to learn a lot of aspects and apply them fast. It’s an opportunity to get to know more specialists from different business areas that you can create relations with.

Another brilliant idea was shared by Shane Oglow from prReach who helped us understand how press releases can get any product listing ranked in both Amazon and Google with a great long-term result that just needs to be tracked and maintained.

Lazar Zepinic from Sellers Alley explained how to drive highly relevant traffic via Google ads to your Amazon listing using Amazon Attribution. Using a specific technique, you can see the difference between the audience on Amazon and Google and discover how not to burn your marketing budget in driving irrelevant traffic.

One of the most interesting speeches was held by Howard Thai whom we were looking forward to meeting there. He has some powerful tricks that help you find the most profitable keywords to rank while using his tool. Using SFR vs PFR to find the best keywords, you can stop wasting time on keywords with high search volumes that don’t equate to high sales volume in your niche.

While we all know we need to have the best product photos, Anthony Cofrancesco gave us a detailed breakdown of the absolute best strategies for conversion optimization on Amazon from a visual standpoint.

You can understand that it was a lot of information that was detailed and discussed. And that’s not all. We also had Jana Krekic who showed us her excel formulas that she uses to help find the right keywords on international markets, all usable for free. Then was Bernhard Rauscher who showed us how to set the bases of a brand and how to focus on presenting it. We also had Peter Lazea explain his view that the sale starts after you sell the product and not before. We’ve had Alex Wyatt explain the details regarding VAT and what it means to be compliant in 2021. Athena Severi presents the power of networking. As all the planet was running home to stay safe with the coronavirus running loos, we had 2 online presentations, one by Michael Hartman presenting 5 ways to get the most out of Brand Registry and Tomer Rabinovich sharing tips on product selection as a simple way to expand the product line.

We are looking forward to seeing how and when the next Amazon seller meetups will be organized. Beware as this can become an interesting and addictive habit, but we encourage all sellers to take part in this type of event, as soon as the virus is wiped out.


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