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How to Launch a Product on Amazon in 2022


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Planning to launch a product on Amazon in 2022 and you need a strategy that works for every business? You’ll find everything you need to know about ranking your product and building brand awareness in this blog post.

Here you’ll learn how to launch an Amazon product in 2022, how to rank on specific keywords and get to page one, and how to build your brand with micro-influencers.

4 key factors for a successful Amazon Business

1. An excellent quality product

Choosing a quality product is important. A good suggestion is to provide more than your customers expect. In most cases, this will help you have satisfied customers.

This may lead to a very good review if they’re satisfied with what they’re receiving as well. In addition, it’s an unexpected bonus on top of everything else you added to the product listing. When you’re packaging a product to sell on Amazon, it’s important to keep this in mind.

2. Professional product listing

The keywords will make your product relevant and show up on Amazon when customers are searching. You must do keyword research and incorporate those keywords into your listing if you want to appear before the right audience.

3. Ranking

When you’re on the first page organically, the customer can see more of you, which increases your chances of them making a purchase from you. Make sure you sell more on the keyword than your competitors do. This will help you rank higher. Analyze your niche and create your ranking strategy.

4. Brand Awareness

Promote your brand and get it in front of micro-influencers, people who have an interest in your niche and use your products on a daily basis.

This is the overall long-term strategy that we see as a good fit for any Amazon brand.

First of all, you need the Amazon keyword strategy when you are targeting and trying to be organically in the first position. You should take PPC into consideration as well.

Here we are adding the micro-influencers program, which is a great source of content and branding outside of the Amazon marketplace.

How to plan your ranking strategy

Choose the relevant keywords – when looking at what keywords are generating sales, try to follow the 20/80 rule (20% of keywords generate 80% of income).

It is also important to pay attention to the numbers. In our case, we are using Helium10 to extract the sales volume for each keyword, which is a very good metric. It has worked very well for us so far.

We will provide you with a discount if you want to try Helium10 for your Amazon business.

Moreover, you need a good strategy around the relevant keywords. You can do that through PPC or run a product testing campaign. And don’t forget to use a tracker to monitor your progress.

Selling on day one is crucial for Amazon to recognize your product as relevant.

There are multiple ways to target your keywords. A good starting point would be PPC.

Second, you can use our product testing campaigns that we run at intelliRANK Agency.

The third option is to use micro-influencers.

What do you do after you rank for all the keywords from your niche?

Once you’ve successfully targeted all the keywords within your niche, invest in your branding and move your attention to other areas.

Introducing micro-influencers will be the next step in your strategy. The whole point of micro-influencers is that we’re trying to target people who are passionate about your niche, or your brand.

The main purpose of it is to gain more reach, an authentic audience, and expand your social following, as well as to gain authentic media content. Ultimately this will result in more sales.

Micro-influencers have a profile with 1000-10000 followers, they’re focused on a niche and they get enough social interaction (at least 5% on their posts).

Why choose micro-influencers instead of influencers?

Micro-influencers usually don’t ask for money. They have fewer followers and usually share the same passion. Influencers are either paid or signal engagement within their posts.

Micro-influencers have relevant posts related to their passion and are happy to test your product for free. Influencers are registered on influencer platforms and post about anything as long as they are paid.

Micro-influencers offer a market advantage that is more focused on market needs than a more general market. Influencers have a big number of followers with all kinds of interests.

What a micro-influencer can do with a product will surprise you. They create relevant and authentic content that illustrates how to use your product in real life.

If you want to increase your brand awareness, your social proof, and create amazing content simply by giving away a test product, then you should consider working with micro-influencers.

How to collaborate with micro-influencers

Research and plan – contact people with more than 1.000 followers;

Promote and Activate – ask them to join your micro-influencers program and create a database;

Research their audience – Ask each micro-influencer to feature your product in front of their followers and tag specific hashtags;

How to set up a #hashtag strategy on Instagram:

Research your niche and competitors;

Establish your brand’s hashtags (#brandname);

Create a strategy by finding 2-3 #hashtags that you want to dominate;

Make sure each micro-influencer tags these #hashtags when making a post;

Once you dominate these 2-3 #hashtags, move on and find stronger hashtags;

Repeat the process and DOMINATE YOUR NICHE!

Hope you find some useful information about launching a product on Amazon in 2022 and combining social media with Amazon products.


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